Refurbish - Retrofit - Replicate
1. the action of returning something
to its original condition by repairing
it, cleaning it, rewiring it, etc.
There are a multitude of reasons as to why a lighting fixture might be considered for restoration. In today’s environment, the catalyst might be the need—or requirement—to upgrade the light source to something more energy efficient. The decision would need to be made as to whether the fixtures should be replaced or restored. Or, the answer might be determined by either the historical significance and/or relationship between the fixture and the structure to which it’s attached. Maybe it will be determined that the removal of a recessed fixture could prove to be burdensome to the point that it’s less expensive to use as much of the existing materials as practical, and replace the critical components.
Cole brings their extensive experience to the table by offering expert advice, as well as their engineering talent, to the conversation. Upon receipt of the initial request, typically accompanied by existing product photos, we will respond with a list of ideas, suggestions, and questions.